Dave & Peggy Stenberg

"The Lexington Community Foundation has initiated a new campaign called “The Planned Giving Society.” Its purpose is to raise unrestricted funds for use by the Lexington community in the future. There are many avenues to contribute to the Planned Giving Society.
In our case, we selected my IRA. We had previously set aside a percentage of this fund for charitable donations. We had selected several community organizations that are currently important to us to contribute to after our deaths. In thinking through our plans, we decided to adjust them in this way. First, we will continue to support the current local causes during our lifetimes so we can observe the benefits derived from those donations. However, as we look into the future, other community needs may gain more importance and have a higher priority benefit to the Lexington community. Therefore, we are donating that part of our IRA to the Foundation’s Planned Giving Society for future needs that we don’t have the vision to anticipate at this time. We have confidence in the Lexington Community Foundation Boards of the future to identify and support the greatest needs of the community at that time.
Another consideration in our decision to do our part was based on the generous philosophy of Lexington citizens. Even though our resources are modest, when they are teamed together with others in the community, great things can happen. This is illustrated by the annual KEY and Give Big Lexington events, where more current needs are considered and supported by many. By joining together in The Planned Giving Society, we can strengthen the Lexington community well beyond our lifetime." - Dave & Peggy Stenberg