Agriculture and higher education played significant roles in the Bossung family. Graduating from what is now known as Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis was Winford Bossung in 1922, Clifford Bossung in 1930, and Alton Bossung in 1954. Ronald Bossung graduated from UNL in 1960. Ronald understood the importance of education and the benefits of higher education in order to achieve goals in life. A degree in agricultural education opens the door for students to share their passion for the science and production of food, fiber, and natural resources.
The Bossung family has established a scholarship with the Lexington Community Foundation in an effort to help young adults gain higher education. The Ronald Bossung Memorial Scholarship will award an annual scholarship valued up to $1,000 to a graduating senior of Lexington High School. The applicant must be pursuing post-secondary education at Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis, which has programs designed to set students up for success through real-world experience and planning. The scholarship is payable $500 each year for up to two years and is still available to graduating seniors.